Feng Shui

In Motion

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When was the last time you REALLY unplugged? No cell phone, no computer, no wi-fi. I cannot stress enough how important it is to disconnect from electrical stuff and plug into nature. Feet on sandy beach, or Feet on grassy back yard or Feet in mud and Breathing in fresh air! If you are feeling overwhelmed, then there is something in your heart that needs to be heard. I hear-by give you permission to do so! Be willing to listen to what your heart is yearning for…be willing to be surprised.


After 20 minutes, see how you feel. If there is an impulse to do something, to that right away. Maybe it’s a NAP! Maybe it’s to write something down, or take a trip. Maybe it’s larger – perhaps there is something bigger that needs support.

Recently I spent the weekend with a client at their vacation rental on the beach. I was basically their field guide to unpacking the emotional components and working on the physical Feng Shui, too. Guess what we discovered? A Leak! In Feng Shui, leaks = money loss. The weekend was healing on many levels.

Sometimes you cannot get THERE from where you are now. Literally, sometimes you need to get out of your physical environment and get a fresh perspective. I love love love the ocean and the beach.

For you, perhaps you need the quiet and stillness of the mountains with gorgeous trees and the scent of barely touched earth.

It can be so nourishing to have help to look at a situation with fresh eyes. A good Feng Shui practitioner will be willing to go there with you.

Feng Shui is an amazing tool when you are ready to make a shift. I have seen it work time and again. When you are ready to get clear and take action, this is the perfect time to get real help!

What can we discover together?

#fengshui #wellness #connection

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