Feng Shui

In Motion

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You have heard the saying “Home is Where the Heart Is”. Recently, a very loyal, long-standing client moved into a new home. As a check-in, we spoke on the phone just the other day and I recalled our first meeting. We laughed at how we initially spent about 2 hours together just talking and that was after we had spent over an hour on the phone before the first on-site visit together.

So what? That time may seem like unproductive time. But for this client, and so many more, it is vital time together. We were able to tap into the emotional heart of the issues at hand. Getting to know each other and establishing the best ways to communicate, feel the resistance, and begin to open up to more sharing.


There is no place in your home that YOU are not. Read that again.

You are not separate from your home. The true heart of the matter is the point of connection to what you are currently experiencing in your existence. If you can communicate with your home via the point of open-hearted connection, you can hear the wisdom within and a path forward.

In classical Feng Shui, we look at the mental preparedness, emotional & mindset, physical well being, and, then the environment.

Growing with Feng Shui as part of your life is a process – and not for someone looking for a low-budget, interior designer or someone looking for a quick fix.

There is much inner work to explore and the fresh perspective of a Feng Shui expert may be just what is needed in order for you to be in the receptive mode of all you are wanting in your life.

Home is Where the Heart Is – how is your heart feeling today? That will tell you how you home is feeling too.

I invite you to a deeper conversation to see how you can get to the things you want faster.

One Response

  1. This really touches me, and makes me notice that I have neglected- knowingly- some important areas of my life… spaces of beauty mean so much to me.
    And there are plenty of areas where I am not expressing this in my home. Teary! So simple, and powerful. Thank you.

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