Month of the Yin Metal Pig [Newsletter Nov 2022] November 7 – December 7
The imagery for this month is a pearl in an oyster.
Of the 12 animal signs in the Chinese Zodiac, IMHO, the Pig is the most misunderstood. The Pig is wrongly considered a lazy, gluttonous, and greedy animal sign.
In truth, the Pig possesses an undying commitment to the betterment of humanity through fairness, justice, truth, and building strong communities. The Pig intensely dislikes falsehoods & hypocrisy and has a deep disdain for the mistreatment and victimization of others. Someone born with this in the BaZi chart indicates someone who is innately talented and ambitious. They are excellent thinkers and strategists.
The Heavenly Stem of this month is Yin Metal, and in the Five Elements production cycle, Metal produces Water. The Pig contains the Water element; that’s its main Qi. The elements work well together in this pillar, and with this combination of elements, we get the strength and persistence to see a successful resolution to the challenges we face.
The timing could not be more perfect since the United States has an election on November 8th.
How does this month’s energy interact with the Year of the Tiger? 2022 is a triple Tiger year because the animal sign of the Tiger is in three of the four pillars of the year’s chart. For those BaZi students, the Tiger and Pig signs/branches are in the Six Combination formula. So, they combine to create the Wood element. That means that the energy of the three Tigers and the Pig can work together to promote positive change.
Let’s all use this month’s energy to promote kindness and greater understanding between disparate beliefs.
People need so much compassion right now. Do what you can where you are, and if you are in the USA, please vote.
Expected Delivery is December 1, 2022.
Makes a unique holiday gift!