Feng Shui

In Motion

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Order Your 2025 Personalized Calendar

Personal Calendar

Are you looking to know the right time to do things?

As you look out on the next year, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had a way you could enhance your life? You likely have important goals you want to reach, activities that you want to plan and would love to take whatever steps you can to help ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

You might not have thought about this before but choosing the date to do something important can impact the outcome. Choosing a good date can bring a favorable outcome, increased success and more satisfaction. It feels good when things go your way. On the other hand, selecting a bad date can make things go poorly.

Personal Date Selection is a technique based on Chinese Astrology that determines which dates are best for you to plan and conduct specific activities, helping you access your success and fulfillment. It is a technique originally reserved for Chinese Emperors and the upper class, and through the years has been taught to and used by Feng Shui Masters to help others accelerate results.

Who Is This Personal Calendar For?

A Personal Calendar gives you the best days to undertake certain activities and lets you know which dates are less favorable. It is completely personalized to you and your own individual energy pattern based on your birthday

This calendar is for you if you:

This calendar is
for you if you:

This calendar is also essential for you, if you are:

This calendar can help you:

This resource is a powerful life-planning tool that can help you connect with the energy of the day that is optimal for you.

A Personal Calendar can help you:

This calendar offers you more than just a general monthly or daily horoscope; it gives you information that is specifically created and tailored to you.

Using color-coding, the calendar allows you to easily see, at a glance, which days have beneficial energy for you. It also has a helpful key that tells you which types of activities are right for the day and which to avoid.

It is delivered in PDF format, so you can print as many copies as you’d like and download for offline use. You can also access it on multiple devices so you always have it at your fingertips.

What You Get?

One PDF twelve-month calendar (starting with January 1),
color-coded to highlight days that are best for you.

Answers to your questions about your calendar via text or email.


Yes, a Personal Calendar makes a great gift that has endless rewards. You will need to know the person’s birthdate, including the year.

No, each of the dates are carefully selected for you based on your birthday. The dates that are optimal for you to undertake an activity may or may not be the best for your spouse.
I provide you with unlimited text or email support for your questions. For a fee, I will provide a detailed review session by phone. Please contact me by email at FSinMotion@gmail.com, or by phone by calling 480-648-1836 for more information if you are interested in doing this.

Are you ready to optimize the upcoming year?

Are you ready to optimize
the upcoming year?

Order Form

Order Your 2025 Calendar Here.

Orders opening Fall 2024.

Selected Value: 1
1 = most important 2 = important 3 = least important
Selected Value: 1
1 = most important 2 = important 3 = least important
Selected Value: 1
1 = most important 2 = important 3 = least important
Price: $136.00
Special Pre-order Price, You Save 15%.