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Thrive for the Dragon Month in a Dragon Year & the Solar Eclipse

Welcome the month of the Earth Dragon! You can survive and thrive this month!


The Earth Dragon month begins on Friday, April 5, 2024. Twice the Dragon energy means double the intensity.

Get ready to rumble!

The extra Earth element can mean that the tectonic plates move and that we have increased earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic activities. Earthquakes can also trigger tsunamis and flooding.

We can also expect seismic grade shifts in international conflicts, economics, politics, and culture shocks already gaining momentum.
We may feel that there is a lot of ‘noise’ in the news, which can distract us from the core issues in our society right now.

If you have a Dragon in your BaZi chart, the Dragon brings a self-punishment aspect. If you have a Dog in your chart, this month is your clash month. Big changes happen during these periods. Yes, it could be an emotionally challenging period. However, change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You could be eagerly awaiting this moment!

One more factor to consider is that this month has a double Flying Star pattern. The West sector, which has the annual 5 Misfortune Star, is also visited by the monthly 5 Misfortune Star. If you have a main door in the West or that sector is heavily used by a kitchen or bedroom, you may want to make some adjustments to keep that area quiet for the month.

We’ve been through moments of significant change in the past. We can do hard things!

The key is to stay grounded. Here are some practical tips for the month:
screen time
on one task at a time (such as driving)
extra time for travel, appointments, and meetings
some unscheduled ‘down time’ on your calendar to rejuvenate and rest
time in nature, working on art projects, and self-care
extra kind and compassionate to others; you don’t know what they’ve got on their shoulders

If you are encountering a situation and you don’t feel that you have clarity, spend some time meditating, quieting your mind and breathing.

Remember to spend a few moments each day in gratitude!


One more thing! A note about the upcoming solar eclipse.

In Chinese Metaphysics, the perspective of this event is that the solar eclipse creates a void of Qi.


In case you didn’t know, according to NASA, “A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. People located in the center of the Moon’s shadow when it hits Earth will experience a total eclipse. The sky will darken…”


The daytime, when the sun is shining, is considered a Yang force. The moon covering the sun becomes a Yin force during the day when it should be Yang.


What you want to do is avoid the lack of Yang energy by staying inside and not exposing yourself to it. Best to not look at it or give it much attention at all because you can have an amazing life when you avoid negativity.

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